The leaves have turned orange , red and yellow. The air is starting to turn cool with the clouds covering the mountain in the early mornings. The harvest is all done and put up for winter. You can hear the gunshots in the distance of the hunters . Aisling and Lilli are in the kitchen fixing an early morning breakfast as the men get ready to go hunting. The phone rings in the living room, Lilli goes to answer it.
"Good morning Lilli speaking." Lilli answers.
"Lilli it's Winona, Marshal snd I are at John's house. The ambulance is on its way to take him to the hospital. He wants your father to meet him there." Winona hangs up before Lilli can ask any questions. Lilli's heart sinks as she drops the phone.
"MOM DADDY " Lilli yells for her parents. They rush inside to the living room to see Lilli ready to cry.
"Lilli , what is it?" Aisling asks Lilli.