John ‘s journey continues 2

It's been a few days since Lilli was told about her uncle's condition. He has been released to go home and Tanis is staying around the clock with him.

Lilli wakes to a dreary rainy day outside and decides to call Tanis. 

"Good morning, I was thinking since it's to be a dreary day and uncle John is home now. What do you think of having a baking party at his house today. We used to have them every time it rained when we were kids. That way we can get the baking that needs to be done for his party tomorrow night done. There will be a bunch of us in the house to watch over him and he gets to have all of his favorite girls around him. What do you say ?" Lilli asks excitedly. 

"I think it's a great idea but I haven't gone to the store to stock the house yet." Tanis tells Lilli.