Chen stares at Lilli as she hugs Uzil tightly tears flowing out of joy that he is ok. Selene walks into the marketplace sending a cleansing light through it making sure no creatures are hiding anywhere. Daisy sees her and runs to hug her tightly.
"Selene I am so happy to see you." Daisy tells her. Selene is confused as she does not know this child. She looks to Uzil as to know what to do.
"hug her back you will meet her again in the future." Uzil urges Selene telepathically. Selene nods snd lightly hugs the child.
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot we are in the past. I was just so excited to see you that I forgot. In the future we become friends." Daisy tells her smiling. Selene nods and smiles back.