Daisy meets Elsie

Lilli rushes down to the main entrance to the castle. The others should be arriving any moment and she misses Shiro. Just as she reaches the last step the portal opens and they arrive. Lucian appears out from the office to greet his guests. Elsie is still absent but a thin man dressed in black with gaunt hollow features seems to appear out of nowhere. 

"Take their things upstairs. The young ladies things goes in the room next to Lilli's. Shiro's things go into Lilli's room as he is her husband. Kiro will be in the room next to mine and Wufan will be next to Daisy's. "Lucian gives his instructions and motions for them to follow him while their things are put away. He will show them to their rooms himself later. Lucian had a large meal prepared since they will be training and having to fast for it. As everyone sits at the table Daisy notices the furniture first.