Getting the lay of the land

Arriving at the temple just after daylight the group spouts up to go to their perspective spots. Akio stays close to Shiro until it's time for him to do something. Lilli is at the area she is to be during the event pulling out her supplies she sets up her tent. It's not long before she hears a noise outside. Peeking through the tent flap Lili sees a solder looking at her stuff. 

"Excuse me is there a problem?" Lilli asks the soldier. 

"I am just checking the area and came up on your camp. You know that you are not allowed to camp without proper documentation?" The soldier asks Lili with a wolffish smile. Lilli gets the vibe that he isn't really interested in her documentation. 

"Just a moment." Lilli tells him as she goes back inside the tent. Closing her eyes and breathing deeply Lilli opens her mind to the other's. Lucian and Shiro can feel her uneasiness.