Make you regret liking me!

"Woooahhhhhh!!! Ahh!!!" Yoo Na yells out loud, her face being partially lit up, with the sudden scream and sudden appearance of the white figure in front of him with total darkness around, Yeong Jae screams with his arms flying in the air and his body stumbling back in reflex.

Yoo Na makes more weird noise walking closer to him, he grabs her unconsciously as he felt himself losing his balance and in just a few more seconds which seemed like forever, they both land on the floor with Yoo Na on top of him. 

The white sheet from her head sways away to the side covering her back and literally covering both of them, with the torch from the mobile screen lighting up them and a little more features of their surrounding, Yoo Na gulps but none pull out from the intense stare.