Someone no one can touch

"Good morning!!" Bo Ra shouts, walking out of the van, Yoo Na follows behind rubbing her eyes.

It was still dark since the sun wasn't up yet, Yeong Jae along with Jin and Do Wan was standing outside tucked in warm clothes, patiently waiting for the girls.

Yoo Na and Bo Ra walk to them, "How long do we have to walk?" Yoo Na questions, she yawns feeling sleepy. 

The thought of watching the sunrise was exciting and thrilling, not before sleep took over her. For now, all she wanted was to lie down on her bed, sleeping peacefully and comfortably.

"Hmm, about an hour." Jin replies, looking at the hill they were on, "What?!" Yoo Na gasps out loud, her eyes widen to the point of them bulging out, her sleep now vanishing off.

"It's okay. It will be fun." Do Wan says, wrapping his arms around both the girls from behind, they gasp looking back and watching Do Wan grin exchanging glances with them.