I Want To Hire You

Where am I? Or more importantly, where am I being taken to?

These were the questions that circulated inside Li Melin's head by the time she spent the next few hours in darkness. The kidnappers earlier put a blindfold into her eyes that prevents her now from seeing anything in particular.

How cruel.

Li Meilin knows she is not being lucky in the past couple of hours, but being kidnapped in broad daylight is by far the worst that could happen to anyone.

Could this day get even worse?!

Soon, Li Meilin felt the van, where she is currently in, stopped moving all of a sudden… which then concludes that they are now at their destination.

Li Meilin then hears the van's doors opened moments after and two men hold her on both sides. Even how much force she will be using to free herself, it only ends up being wasted. So after minutes of struggling to break free, Li Meilin decided to give up and just let them take her to wherever this place is.

Li Meilin questions herself… is this really the end for her? Would her life be thrown away just like this?

It's sad to think that she wasn't able to experience having a boyfriend before she dies though, or being married and having three beautiful children. It's such a waste to die this early and being a virgin on that matter.

That's how her life went on for the next couple of minutes before she felt them entering some sort of a room because she just heard the creaking of the door behind them the moment it was closed.

"Boss, here is the girl you are asking for," says the leader of the kidnappers.

"Are you kidding me? I said to bring her decently here, but you made it seem to look like a case of kidnapping, you fools!"

Li Meilin almost flinched when she hears a man's voice emanating full authority in it roared on the four corners of this room. The one he reprimanded must have been scared by him since he hurriedly removed the cloth that is covering her eyes for a while.

The light illuminating the room slowly filled her gray eyes and it made her blink a couple of times before the details of it totally registered inside her head.

This whole room from which the kidnappers had taken her definitely looks like a businessman's office that she often sees from tv dramas so far.

Li Meilin could now picture herself being kidnapped by a handsome CEO that would soon be her future husband...

"You may leave now," that same guy said with a hint of irritation in it. Those guys that had kidnapped her earlier left the room as soon as possible to escape the man's wrath.

Speaking of the man, Li Meilin watched him as he now sits in his swivel chair, rubbing his temples. He looks handsome, yes, but too old for her, thus the idea of her marrying a rich billionaire like in the tv dramas has been totally crossed out of her mind right now.

However, that ash-gray sleek hair that he has is kind of familiar to Li Meilin though, like she is one hundred percent sure she has seen it before somewhere.

"Forgive those fools for what they have done to you. They can't sometimes follow a simple instruction from me, and I am also about to fire those guys and hire new ones with a brain." And then she heard him sigh in frustration.

"Uhmm… excuse me. But where am I though?" Li Meilin finally found the courage to speak since the time she was brought here.

The man's head straightens up, allowing Li Meilin to see those pair of olive green almond-shaped eyes of this man that is somehow intimidating to look at, but his aura seems to say the opposite. He seems to be a lot friendly to her.

"Oh, forgive me for not introducing sooner!" The man clasps his hands together before proceeding. "My name is Lim Lee Wai, father of my delinquent son Xian. I'm sure you have heard of him, yes?"

All the blood immediately rushed out of Li Meilin's face the moment she knew who this man was. It was then when she suddenly remembers the words of Mi Wei way back when they were having a conversation about the Lims earlier.

"The man you just pushed is Lim Xian a.k.a the Black Prince, son of the multi-billionaire and renowned businessman Lim Lee Wai."

Then she thought, this man… this dashing, elite, and friendly-looking man is that jerk's father? You've got to be kidding me!

Li Meilin could feel the pacing of her heartbeat begins to get a bit faster as she started to panic. Way to go Meilin! Your life is so doomed right now!

Before Mr. Lim could continue with what he was about to say, Li Meilin formally bowed her head in front of him.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Lim for what I have done! I didn't know in the first place who that jerk… I mean that guy I pushed is! I swear! It's just that he annoyed me so much, I wasn't able to control my emotions back there! But please, don't end my life right now! Don't throw my lifeless body in the river! I have so many dreams that I want to accomplish. I still want to marry a handsome man someday and have three beautiful kids! I will do everything that I can to make it up for my mistake! Just please, let me live for a little longer!"

Li Meilin said this all in one breath without any pauses in between, which might startle the man in front of her.

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two of them before she heard him roared in laughter all of a sudden that truly astonished her. After all, Li Meilin is being serious here.

Mr. Lim was still laughing in his chair when he started to wipe the tears that started to appear in the corners of his eyes before saying, "Oh boy, I hadn't laughed like this for a long time."


"I didn't bring you here because of what you have been thinking this whole time…" Mr. Lim now tries to calm himself and gets back to being serious. "Well, it's my men's fault why you have been thinking like that."

Li Meilin's eyebrow, straight and a little bit thick, were drawn together, forming a crease in between as she looked at him in confusion.

"Then why am I here, sir?"

"You are here," he smiled. "because I want to hire you as my son's personal maid."