A Sudden Proposal

Li Meilin can't help but feel sleepy after that boring discussion they had from their last-period teacher in History. She would constantly cover her mouth as she yawns for more than a hundred times already.

"You seemed a bit tired recently. Did someone chase after you again with some bucket of ice-cold water or is there something else that's bothering you?!

'Yeah. Tell us, Meilin."

Sometimes, Li Meilin can't help but treat Zhao Chen's attitude of being so downright observant with his surroundings as a curse. He could really be the type of guy who can see right through you if he only puts his mind into it. 

Smiling a reassuring smile towards her friend, Li Meilin said, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

But that's what Zhao Chen worries the most… Every time Li Meilin says she's okay when she's not, or it's nothing when there is really something that's bothering her, he gets more concerned for her 

However, Zhao Chen doesn't want to be pushy as well. Almost reluctantly, he replied, "Oh, okay. If you say so, Meilin."

Their conversation ended right there and then when all three of them needed to part ways. Zhao Chen needs to be at the school pool area due to his practice, while Mi Wei needs to uphold her responsibilities as a student assistant in the library.

As for Li Meilin, she needs to move forward and go back to the Lim residence as early as possible. Due to what happened yesterday night, she still needed to take care of the laundry and finish folding the dry ones.

That bastard… He only made it worse for her without having any idea what he did in the first place.

While she was still cursing her demon master a bit more inside her head, Li Meilin was suddenly taken aback when two men in their black suits approached her outside the campus gates and stretched their hands as soon as they saw her, like they were inviting her to come with them somewhere away from here.

"Ms. Li Meilin, we have been expecting you already." says the tall man on the right. By now, both of them had already a grip on both of her arms.

"If you don't want to cause a scene, better yet follow us in peace." said the other. 

These men have some great strength within these guys that it was easy for them to carry her towards a BMW 18 that is currently waiting for them across the street.

"Wait, where are you taking me?!" Li Meilin, by now, hadn't had the slightest care if she is now making a scene or not. The important thing here is that she could run away from these men as soon as possible.

"Wait, don't tell me I am being kidnapped once again?" She thought to herself as she is now being dragged towards the car out of her will.

Li Meilin tried her best to struggle away from these men but they were so strong and highly-trained that she was tossed by them inside the car with ease. Then, both of them entered the car from both sides  and accompanied her through the back seat.

"What the hell is happening here? Let me go, you bastards!" Li Meilin is now ready to kick someone when she heard that familiar voice in the passenger seat.

"Geez, why do you have to be so noisy all the time?! You're starting to get on my nerves already!" 

How could she not think of this? Of course, it was Lim Xian's brilliant idea to have her kidnapped in broad daylight as her punishment for rejecting his stupid offer earlier. There he was, smiling arrogantly as he peered his head to look at her poor situation on the backseat.

Ignoring his remark, Li Meilin shouted, "Hey! What's with all this setup? Where are you taking me, huh? I demand an answer right now!"

"First of all, show a little bit of gratitude for being able to ride on my sports car. I heard, not every peasant has the chance to experience this kind of ride." It was now Lim Xian's turn to ignore her words earlier and put on a smug look across his handsome yet intimidating face.

"Gratitude, my foot! Just let me out of here already and I'll show you my own kind of gratitude right this instant!"

Instead of being annoyed, Lim Xian finds this reaction a bit amusing and smirked at her. "I'm afraid I can't do that until we've arrived at our destination."

To his guards, Lim Xian instructed, "Put some duct tape or whatever in her mouth to silence her for now. I want to sleep in peace while we haven't returned home yet." 

"Yes, young master." The guards willingly obliged and pulled out a duct tape before cutting a strip and used it to seal Li Meilin's mouth right away.

For the rest of their ride home, the car was soon filled with muffled noises after that.


Li Meilin doesn't have any idea now as to what is happening as soon as they all return at Lim Xian's house. All she knows is that his bodyguards have been dragging her towards a certain room on the left wing downstairs that she hasn't been able to see before. No matter how much she wriggled herself out their grasps, it always end up being in vain.

All other maids that happened to witness their co-worker's situation have started to exchange opinions with one another. If it weren't for Ms. Yu's scolding, they would have continued like that for the rest of the evening.

After what seemed like an eternity for Li Meilin, she later finds herself all dressed up in a fancy lace white dress with matching beige stilettos that almost makes it impossible for her to move. 

The family's butler, Mr. Xu, soon approaches the confused lady and leads her into the drawing room filled with expensive furniture and ornaments that made her lips slightly part in awe.

"So, you're finally done."

Mr. Xu immediately excused himself and closed the door as Lim Xian stood from the white couch he had been sitting on earlier. He ran a thorough look on the girl's current appearance just like how you inspect a meat if it's still fresh or not.

"Look at you. Even a peasant like you can shine when scrubbed and dressed nicely.""

For the nth time hearing that word from him, Li Meilin finally snapped. "Can you please stop calling me peasant already? And what is it that you want? Get to the point already!"

Li Meilin paused to take a moment to breathe. This could surely delay her chores and heaven knows what Ms. Yu have to say regarding this event. She is pretty much sure that all maids have seen that embarrassing scene of hers as the guards are dragging her towards their mini-salon like room a while ago.

Snapping his fingers, Lim Xian pretended to remember what he needed to say and looked at Li Meilin once more.

"I believe… I haven't made myself clear earlier, thus I'll repeat it again for you." 

There goes that smug smile from him that Li Meilin hates to see to the very core.

"Be my girlfriend… and I will let you have a taste of a luxury living like the one you experienced just now."