The New Class Adviser

Ever since she was hired in this job, Li Meilin finds it easy to wake up early in the morning now. It's like her body has already adjusted to the time schedule quite well.

"Good morning, Ms. Yu," Li Meilin greeted when she was on her way to cook breakfast. Ever since she made Lim Xian rat her breakfast, Ms. Yu had encouraged Meilin more often to cook during breakfast instead of the chef doing it.

Ms. Yu was already down the hallways when Li Meilin climbed downstairs. She just acknowledged her greetings with a quick nod of her head before heading towards the opposite direction.

O...kay. At least Li Meilin was already okay for Ms. Yu to acknowledge her very existence.

She hummed happily while walking towards the kitchen. For today's breakfast, Li Meilin decided to cook Wontons that will be served with noodles, and seasoned broth. Seeing how Lim Xian loved his rice noodles yesterday morning, Meilin would cook another noodle dish for today.