A Deal is A Deal

Lady luck must have definitelty left Li Meilin's side during the intense volleyball match they just finished when they totally lost to Lim Xian's friends.

What she and her friends didn't know was that all of them were once part of the volleyball team from elementary to middle school years, (except for Lim Xian) until they shifted into basketball when they reached high school and transferred to Shenzhen High to support Xian's growing team in basketball.

The intense match between Li Meilin's group and Lim Xian's ended ended on the final set where Lim Xian's team was the first one to achieve the score of fifteen points. (Note: Liu Yang didn't play the match and served as the scorer for this match to balance both teams.)

Spectators who have to stop from what they are doing have gathered around and watch the close fight between the two. They were so amazed about the performances of these two teams that they were instantly hooked from watching the match.