The Article

The intense volleyball match earlier left all of its participants very tired and sleepy. Due to that, Lim Xian's declared first that he would be going back first and spend the rest of the afternoon sleeping.

"Yeah, yeah, sleeping really sounds a great plan right now," Liu Yang and the others in Xian's group also nodded their heads in agreement. Even Li Meilin's friends also agreed that it did sounded great to do right now, considering how tired their bodies are.

A nap in the afternoon... Mi Wei can't help but think at the back of her head. Even though the skies haven't turned dark now, Mi Wei was already feelinf anxious at the moment now that she knows their poor friend Li Meilin is obliged to go with Xian's group right now.

What more if night time comes later? Mi Wei would have really preferred Li Meilin to join her so that she could avoid overthinking like this.