Admitting to Herself

During that time electricity temporarily went down in their area, Zhao Chen couldn't help but be worried about his best friend Li Meilin. As his close friend since they were kids, he knows almost all about the things that scare Li Meilin the most, and one of which is being surrounded in complete darkness.

He remembered her suddenly crying when they were still little kids during that one moment when the electricity in their house suddenly went out because of a temporary shutdown. If it weren't for the cookies his mom had baked at that time, Li Meilin wouldn't have stopped crying that time.

But of course, this situation is so much different than they had several years ago. They are all grown-ups now and Li Meilin wouldn't cry for something this simple. The difference they had now aside from the things mentioned already is that Li Meilin is with another guy right now and not him soothing her fear any longer.