
One of Tristan's favorite things on earth was looking at the pale blue sky at a particular time in the morning, some can say it is weird but he found it fascinating.

When he was young, he would sit on the balcony with his mother, enjoying the view. It was like a secret view two of them know about, he never misses it in the morning ever since then.

The red and clear sun, just rising in the morning.

Tristan sat there and memories pop up as always, he remembered how his mom would play with his soft hair while he sings for her on the balcony, one of Tristan's great features is singing, he only sings to his mom and ever since she died he has stopped singing.

No one in the family except for his mom knows he has a very beautiful voice.

That morning he sat and watched the sun rose, he smiled and enjoyed the beautiful view, the young man felt a song his mother taught him at the back of his throat, ready to sing.

Since no one was at home at that moment he decided to sing, Mrs. Charlie and James went out early that morning, Isabella has been at her best friend's house for two days now. Mr. Charlie's close friend has a daughter of her age and they became close some years ago.

Tristan let out a sigh and opened his mouth to sing.

The breeze blew gently on his skin as he sang, he didn't realize tears had filled his eyes. He saw an image of his mom singing it right next to him, the young man couldn't control his emotions anymore, he stopped singing and sobbed quietly.

Isabella still believed her mother was alive and would come back anytime, she bragged about how her pretty mom would be home soon to her friends, "my brother said she traveled to a far place and would come back soon... I can't wait to see her".

Tristan hated that he lied to his sister, but it is for the best until she is grown and mature enough.

The young man saw his Dad's car parking in the garage, he stood up and watched him come out of the car. "Why is he back early," he thought.

The man saw his son and wasn't surprised to have seen him on the balcony, he smiled and walked in, the young man walked downstairs.

"Dad, why are you home early, I thought you said you have a meeting to attend" Tristan asked, looking confused.

Mr. Charlie couldn't express his happiness, his son has been angry with him ever since the woman entered the house and now he is acting like Tristan, he smiled and walked towards his son.

"They postponed it and I came home to eat," the man said and dropped his bag. "Where is your...." he knows Tristan doesn't like people calling the woman his mom. "She is James' mother" he would say.

"I mean where is James and his mother?" he asked his son.

He shrugged and helped his dad with a cold glass of water, "thank you" the man said and gulped the water.

"They didn't tell you where they were going?" he asked.

Tristan shook his head and walked into the kitchen, "why didn't you eat in your favorite restaurant?" he asked.

Mr. Charlie sighed, "I don't know... I don't feel like it" he answered and saw his son eyes on him, "do you want to cook for me?" he asked with a wide smile on his face, he has never been this excited for a long while.

"Yes I would be your personal chef for today, what do you want, I would cook it for you" Tristan offered.

Mr. Charlie couldn't believe his eyes, he smiled and sat, "anything you cook the best, I would eat" he replied excitedly.

"Aye aye sir," he said and thought of what he could make, he came up with an idea and started by parking his hair up and washing his hand.

"About the Minch Island we would be going to soon, it would be very interesting. We would go by ship and I could introduce you to my business partners and my friends, they all asked about you and I told them you are now a big man now"

Tristan heard his dad and smiled, "I would be honored to see them as well" he replied.

His reply warmed his dad's heart, "they would be excited and honored to see you too, you are my son, the respect they give me would be passed to you" he answered.

After a while, he brought the food and placed it gently on a table in front of him.

Mr. Charlie rubbed his palm together, his mouth got watery when he saw the lasagna "this would taste so good" he said as he picked up the spoon.

Tristan waited patiently and watched his dad put some in his mouth, the man let out a gasp and looked up at him.

"Young man, why have you been hiding your talent? Your cooking skill is amazing" the man said as he ate more, he stopped and looked sad.

Before Tristan could ask what happened, he said "This tastes almost like your mother's food" he said and smiled, "she makes a delicious meal, better than any restaurant, you and Isabella remind me of her every time" he said.

Tristan wasn't surprised his food almost tasted like his moms' he remembered how he would stay with her in the kitchen every time she cooks and asked her so many questions.

"Do you still think about her?" he asked.

Mr. Charlie looked up at him, "sit down" he said and watched his son sit opposite him.

"Listen, Tristan, I think about her every time... Why would I forget about the woman that brings me joy every second, that was why all those times you weren't talking to me, it felt like your mother was also angry at me"

Tristan stared at him as he continued.

"I see her in my dreams most times, I can't tell if she is angry or happy with me. Death took her away from me, we had so many plans together, with you and Isabella. It's just sad Isabella didn't get to meet her, she couldn't see how amazing she was" he said sadly.

"Why did you marry James's mother then?" he asked.

The man looked at him and looked down at his food and he kept eating, "she is a good woman too, I was too lonely and I needed someone by my side, she was really nice to me and I gave her a chance... She is still nice till today, you should give her a chance too" he replied.

Tristan smirked and looked away, "Okay," he said.

"Really? That is my boy", the man said excitedly.


The man had returned to work, the young man lay on his bed, trying hard not to sleep.

"I don't want to see no weird creature calling my name" he said and sit upright.

He heard footsteps coming in the house, he stood up and peeped.

Tristan saw his stepmother and her son in the living room, he sighed and sit on the chair beside his bed.

Shortly, he heard a footstep coming up the stairs, he waited patiently as the person turned the doorknob.


He saw his sister running towards him, he stood and lifted her up, "Isabella? You are home early" he said.

The girl wide smile made his heart fluttered, he has always love to see her smile.

"James and mom came to pick me, we went to a restaurant and he bought me chocolates, see" she said showing him the chocolate in her left hand.

Tristan wondered why they did that, he suspiciously looked at the chocolate. He put her down and took the chocolate from her, he looked at it thoroughly.

"Don't worry I didn't poison it" James said.

Tristan looked up and saw him standing by the door, Isabella saw him and ran towards him "When next are we going to the restaurant, their food is amazing" she said and turned to Tristan "you should come with us the next time we go, you will love it" she said and walked towards him.

Tristan gave her the chocolate and ruffled her hair, "after this don't take any more sugary stuff for today okay?" he said.

"I promise", she replied and ran out of the room.

"Why did you pick her up and get her stuff, I would have done that myself. You don't know what she eats and what she doesn't..." Tristan said.

James smiled and walked in, "You are welcome" he replied.

Tristan looked away and opened his window, about to sit on the balcony.

"I am her brother as well, I won't allow her to eat anything bad okay!..." James said and watched him carried a chair, he followed him to the balcony "this place is nice" he said looking around.

"Only if you know how nice it is at a particular time in the morning", Tristan thought.

James looked at Tristan who looked uninterested, "listen I know you are not happy because your dad brought my mom to your house... I wouldn't be happy if I was you as well, I am truly sorry....and I apologize my behavior hasn't been friendly as well, I just couldn't stand seeing my mom unhappy, I have seen her unhappy all my life and Dad makes her happy" he said.

Tristan was now a little interested, without looking at him he said, "you think I make her unhappy?" he asked.

"No no not at all, I understand... You didn't want no one to replace your mom, I totally understand that..." James answered and let out a sigh, "it is just that mom has been through hell with my own dad, and we were suffering for a long time until she met your dad, I just want us to like be friends... All I do is talk with mom all day, I don't want that... I am sorry for all that had happened between us in the past"

Tristan didn't understand what was going on, the guy that threatened to be the favorite son is now apologizing at the balcony, whatever it is, he is Tristan and no one would take his place.

"Friends?" James said, stretching his hand towards him.

Tristan saw the hand and looked up at him.