Chapter 6 - Smoke The Rat Out

Silently nodding to herself, Eloise called all the three men inside again.

"I have heard of all your confessions, and I'm sure that the ship sinking was not an accident. As for who was the culprit, that person is presently standing in front of me," she said, peering at them all. The two suspicious men froze stiff. 'Scared are you.... I'm gonna rat out you with smoke first,'

"Now who wants to tell me what really happened and who sunk my ship," she said with a glare.

The men put their head down and did not answer.

"I guess asking kindly does not work at all," she glanced back. The trench coat man mysteriously smirked at her. "Lend me yours,"


Caressing her aching head, she gestured for him to come close. Suddenly she pulled a small dagger from his hip. "I'll be borrowing this,"

With a sharp knife in hand, she slowly walked over to them. "Look up; if you all refused to talk about it, then I will make sure you all join the one who has left the world,"

The blond man's eyes went wide in shock. 'What is this girl doing? Even with that dagger she is just a delicate little girl,' she peered at her small back standing in front of the mountain like men. 'Either way, I should get closer just in case something happens to her,' he stepped right behind her.

Eloise glanced back at him with her eyes narrowed. "Sir, keep your distance. I don't feel comfortable with you behind me,"

"Why little Lord, it's a precautionary effort just in case."

"I'm also saying this as a precaution. I don't wish to back stabbed. I heard that hurts the most," she glared at the golden toothed man. His lips quivered softly, but he bit his lips and glanced down at the ground. "Now confess, where is the gold you stole?"

The men stood still.

Eloise rolled her eyes. "Why is it that you have to make me the villain?" without any precaution, she slashed the knife at the gold toothed man's face.

He swiftly ducked back with his eyes wide. "M—miss, what do you mean? The gold... it sunk with the ship," he cried loudly.

"Really, I totally believe you," Eloise sarcastically whispered. "you know something when you are trying to do a crime as a team at least you should be coordinated with your cover-up story, but sadly both of you knuckle heads created plot holes in your escape story," she mumbled scratching her finger with the dagger. The sharp edge easily sliced through her skin, bringing out a small drop of blood. 'Darn, this is sharp,'

She held the dagger little further and admired it. The body of it was small and curved at the edge, its handle elaborately decorated with gems and gold. "Nice dagger," she said to the blond guy.

He just smiled awkwardly. "Little lady, why don't I take it back. You have hurt yourself,"

"No, I still have a use for it." Eloise hugged it close. "Mr. Blond, have you used it to slice thorough someone?"

The blond blanked. "Hm—eh, I have Lady Eloise, but it's too grotesque to praise those gruesome stories in front of a lady," he said with a wide smirk. By now he could understand her small scheme. 'She tried scaring them but because I didn't work she is using me now,' with a wide smirk he stepped closer to her. "I have chopped at least fifty heads with this. It's as good as a sword if you ask me," he said proudly.

"Then that's good news, I have heads to slice through as well. Gold be darned, these bastards have to pay for making my mother worry sick," Eloise slashed at him again. The gold toothed man ran away, but the blond dashed to the door and bolted it from inside.

"Sirs, little lady is speaking to you. It's irresponsible to leave without letting her finish," the blind man whispered, loosing up his tie.

Eloise glanced at him with a wide smirk. 'Good, that I involved him.'

"Now, who should I start with," without any warning she stabbed the black shirt man. He screamed loudly and tried to punch her, but she dodged to the side and kicked his shin. 'Years of dodging punches really helped,' she thought in glee.

Seeing this, the blond frowned and ran back. He easily subdued them with just a palm. A slap to the back of their neck and the mountain like men all came down. "Do you wish for me to tie them up, young lady?"

"Yeah, let's see how long they can last before they squeak," Eloise wiped the dagger clean with her kerchief. "Kind sir, looks like I misunderstood you. I would like to give you my heartfelt gratitude,"

"That's not needed at all. I was just passing through. How can I bear to watch such a cute lady being bullied by these bores?" he said while kicking the unconscious men.

"Well, sir, I shall retire to my room. Thank you again for your help," she handed the dagger respectfully to him.