Chapter 88: RUN

In the distance from the unnamed planet, the green ship floated in space watching over two cosmic beasts. Two White-Blacks, the creatures that were beyond regular biology. 

They didn't need food or oxygen, they could live for thousands, some even millions of years. 

Two of such creatures were having a star bath, charging their life energy, to live and feed their newly laid eggs. 

Out of nowhere, the female White-Black had a bad feeling, maternal instincts apparently. They decided to return. 

"Captain, we can't reach the team. We are having interference of sorts. We are unable to warn them." One of the young crew members panicked. 

"Go call O'rmon here. Move faster!" Captain Seaghoul wanted to entrust the sending message to the fastest member of the team.

O'rmon was busy with her "special task" and ignored the knock on the door.