
What are dreams? The question we always ask ourselves. Can they come true like in the movies or fantasy? Can we have more than one girl or can we have superpowers that can make us cool or just all above? Dreams are something that can make you escape reality itself and create your own world but what if you have limits to your dreams. It Sounds crazy to believe in something that is imaginary.

Amber Wave is a young light-skin girl that is a regular high school teenager that struggles with everyday life like every other teenager. The year 2040. One day Amber's world was changed but she wasn't the only one that had their life change but she had gathered her dreams and nightmare together.

The Goddess of dreams and play had created a world for people that dream and enjoy life as they know it and dream of anything that doesn't exist in real life and their fear is nowhere to be found but there are play cards that they are given to four people that is blessed by the goddess of dreams and play.

These cards can give the cardholder ability that only works in their dreams by them activating it but there is no limit but it is the negative effect that will happen during the effects of the cards. Nightmares will be unleashed if they overuse their cards and then they will have to face their nightmares head on.

If they survive the nightmare then their fear will be overcome and if they don't face their fear then they will die.

The dream world is connected to another realm and so people can live in the dream world as a superhero or a rich man and something as a higher being.

This is a life that people would want to live and call the life but as the dream world being able to accept people every day it has to be overrun and the eight cards of the 52 cards of the deck had been pass on from person to person but only one had their card when they were just ten years old.

That person today is still in the dream world and hoping to find the reason why people run away from their fear. This is a story about dream vs reality and magic vs science.