"What is this? Why are my hands so small?"
She was holding the woman's hand and she was trying to figure out what she was seeing in front of her and it was a woman that was looking at her and she was looking around and see that there was a large man beside her and it was a dog there also.
"Where am I?"
"Oh look, George, she is holding my hand."
"Yeah, I worry about what you going to do to me."
She was put down in a bed and they went to sleep and Amber was still up and she was looking around and she was looking through the cracks of the bed and he was seeing that it was a huge place and they were nobles.
"Where am I at?"
Amber was looking up and she was looking at the thing about her bed and she was closing her eyes and then when she opened her eyes she had seen that she was in the woman arms and then the woman put her down and she was hoping on looking outside and she see that she was in another world.
"What is this place? Had I be reborn. In the diary of my mother, she talks about this but I didn't know that it is impossible.'
She soon turns around and then she fell down on the floor and she bumps her head and the woman grabs her. While she was doing that she figure out who this is and she realizes that it is a noble family that was part of the kingdom of Astaroth.
"What is this place?" Amber walk around the house and she was trying to figure out where to go in the huge place and she was crawling on the floor and she notices a lot and there were some of the maids that were in the house and they were watching over her.
Amber notices that the woman's name is called Queen Elizabeth. She notices a lot about them and how they were the strongest kingdom in the whole world and their military government is the best and they control the whole area with their power.
Amber noticed that there was a lot of time where her mother and father always leave her alone with the head maid and her name was Emily.
After a few days, Amber had a walk across the whole house in that time and notice a lot of where the study room is at and about the history of this world and where she is at and it goes like this and it is between the solar year of 450 and the solar year of 455. In real-time is 1332.
She went into the room where all the books are at but she was is an infant and she couldn't move that fast and so she was hoping on getting something that is hoping that it is the dream world and then she notice that there was a book about the history there.
The head maid enters in and she had seen that Amber was pointing at the book of history and she grab it and put up Amber and told her about the great war between the gods and devils of the solar year of 15. It was the holy war.
"What? The holy war. What is it that makes this all about the dream world?"
Amber wanted to know more and guide Emily to turn and she did and she had seen that there something that was wrong with the history and it was showing that there were also humans also in the history book but what does that mean about them.
Amber remembers that there was a theory that Blake had and it was something that is about the war against the other beings in the universe but it depends on what she was trying to do. And then Amber connected that with her mother's story and Blake's theory and then the holy war. It means that the humans help with the fights against the devil but the gods lost to them and then there was one that survives and her name was Ginger but how were the gods that were in the cards survive and how did they get into the cards. Amber thought if it wasn't Ginger then it wasn't her and it could be another person that had put the gods in the cards.
"What happens that day? And why am I here?"
Amber was put down for her nape but she didn't want to go to sleep but she wants to go see what is going on out there and she closed her eyes again and she slept.
"I am tired.'
In the night world, Blue Radio was looking around and he was looking toward the night sky and he was looking around for something to do but then Zeke and Beat came back and they had Blake with them and then Blue Radio had healed him with his touch and then Blake had woke up and he looks at Blue Radio.
"If you want answers then you will have to come with me and see the truth."
"What is the truth?"
"You will see soon what will happen in the future time."
"I see. I want to know. Tell me."
"Then you must first figure out how to save your friends from the nightmares."
"Where is Amber?"
"We don't know but Ginger doesn't know either so that what makes it good for us. We did get a spark of energy and we, not the only one that had gotten it either."
In the real world, the whole world leaders had gotten ready for the energy they got and they had gone to it and they had seen that it was coming from under the ground.
Blake and the others had started something that had gotten them in trouble and then Blake sees that Mei and them were in there too and he see that he must hurry and get back to them.
"Blue Radio, tell me everything."
"As you wish."