3.15 OBSESSIVE LOVE: Consequences are

It's only after the possessed professor leaves that Kyden can breathe again. His mental faculties return to him in parts and he clings onto logic even as panic, fear, and anger fester. 

Think, think, think. It's all that he can afford.

Just when everything quiets, without even the distant sound of footfalls, Kyden springs into action. He sits up and pulls on his leg. The chain jingles and he tests the length of the chain. 

It's not long. He can probably get out of bed and take two or three steps before he's locked in place. But from where? 

Kyden leaps out of bed to check it out.

Okay, he thinks, as he inspects the chain further, it's not tied to the bed itself, but rather sinks into a small hole cut beneath the floorboard. He tugs at the chain, but not too roughly in fear of making too much noise. Nothing jostles and whatever it's connected to beneath the floor seems rather sturdy but he keeps it in mind nonetheless. 

He turns his attention to the rest of the room. 

The door is impossible to reach but he can at least go through the dresser next to the bed. 

Unfortunately, he doesn't find anything too useful. There are a few items of clothing and a bottle of lotion that he cannot fathom why it might be there. Kyden returns to the bed and sits, considering his options. He could maybe test the chain's durability while his captor isn't looking or he could find a way to convince Raziel— no, the demon, to release him.

Kyden's body quivers a little as a telltale pressure begins to build up in his lower abdomen. Embarrassment tinges his cheeks as he drags his knees up to his chest. As much as he doesn't want to wet the bed, he's not about to call that damned demon back either! 

With frustration welling, Kyden screws his eyes shut as he attempts to calm himself and focus on reasoning. He tries to convince himself that he's been through worse but every time he imagines the professor's calm smile with the violet glow in his eyes, Kyden feels terribly ill.

He feels ill.

He clutches his legs and waits. 

The location is several miles out from the city, nestled within a lovely patch of woodlands, next to an old abandoned town. Raziel quite likes it and he hopes that Kyden will learn to appreciate it in time.

His poor beloved is understandably shocked, but Raziel finds he's not too concerned, confident that Kyden will come around in time.

Why wouldn't he?

They're fated, after all.

He hums to himself as he sets up a table outside to enjoy the fresh air. Raziel had definitely prepared a bit too much food, overly excited to finally get his hands on his intended. The fork and knife clatter against the table as he carefully sets them down. Raziel considers his own mental state.

He wonders if he's gone insane.

But the thought is almost laughable, funny in the way that it tickles his mind. He's calm and he doesn't particularly feel the gnawing sizzle of madness in his head. Raziel thinks, clear and sanely, that his differing outlook on the world is merely a product of perspective.

It's inevitable, really. He sits himself down and enjoys the pleasant breeze.

Really, it's inevitable, when his perception of time and reality is just so frightfully different than most people. 

Not even demons hold a candle to the depth beheld in Raziel's mind, cultivated over multiple lifetimes. 

Consequences to him, are fleeting.

But fate, to him, is everlasting.

So Raziel finds himself unconcerned. He truly cares about nothing but his Fated. He hasn't really given much reason to care; not about the world, nor its inhabitants. Not even about his own parents. Or his own life. He doesn't keep friends, knowing that people would never understand him. And that he would only leave them behind anyway. The only person of worth is his Fated. His beloved. His gege.

Raziel takes his time to savor his meal beneath the afternoon sun and absently plans the rest of the day. As much as he would love to see to his beloved, he assumes that the priest might need a bit of time. Luckily, there are other things for him to do. 

First, he needs to maintain the backyard garden and ensure that the wildlife isn't picking his hard work apart. Speaking of wildlife; hunting and stocking up on meat isn't a bad idea either. There are still a few things he needs to arrange and he wants to repair this old pool table he found in the town over. It has a nice, vintage appeal to its design that Raziel can't help but appreciate.

And once all the chores are done, Raziel has his extensive library that's there to keep him entertained for hours. 

Hours elapse. By the time he checks back on Kyden, nightfall has come.

Kyden is curled up on the bed, his brows furrowed, his bottom lip red from excessive biting. The bedsheet bunches in his fist and his legs are drawn up. It's embarrassing but he has no choice but to whine and beg the person that finally makes an appearance.

"You— Where did you go?" Kyden bites out through gritted teeth. 

The lighting is dark, with only light streaming in from the doorway. Raziel looks like a tall imposing shadow and approaches the side of the bed. Kyden can't help but flinch when he feels the back of a hand brush against his forehead, pushing his hair aside. 

"Did you miss me, Kyden?" Raziel's voice hums with a playful tilt and Kyden has to hold back the urge to punch him in the face. "What's wrong? You look like you're in pain."

"…Bathroom." Kyden is forced to admit.

Instead of letting Kyden free, he feels the bed divot, which only jostles his bladder more. Kyden bites down on his lip and tries to shuffle away from his captor. He watches him with hawk eyes, as though waiting for those hazel orbs to flash purple. 

Raziel frowns, "Ah, did I forget the chamber pot? Forgive me, I've had much on my mind of late."

"…" Kyden scowls, "Are you planning to keep me in this room…?"

"Not forever," Raziel chuckles, his warm features and a familiar smile appearing twisted in the dim lighting. 

Unable to hold himself back anymore, he questions, "Just what are you trying to do? Is this…" he steadies his breathing, "is this part of your contract?"

"Contract?" Raziel's eyes go wide a little. Subtle surprise decorated his visage before he began to laugh, "Ah! I see. There has been a little bit of misunderstanding. We shall speak of it more later. I thought you were feeling a bit unwell?"

"…" Kyden scrunches his face up in distaste only to forcefully smooth out his expression. He purposely lowers his voice, trying to sound meek. After all, the demon had said that he wasn't planning on keeping Kyden here forever so maybe there are ways to convince it to free him of the chains. "I…really need to go. And shower too. It feels gross."

"You're never gross to me," Raziel hums with his silken voice. A finger reaches out and it takes all of Kyden's willpower not to flinch. "But you must understand my reservations about letting you loose."

"…Please," Kyden discards his pride in the face of adversary, or at least he tries because he doesn't really hold back his glare. Raziel doesn't so much as flinch. He only smiles. And Kyden feels the chills that tickle his spine.

"Only because you're so cute," Raziel chuckles, "You'll behave for me right? I know it can be difficult but I promise I will explain things to you in time."

Kyden is not interested in explanations. But he nods anyway, holding his breath as  Raziel moves to the shackle around his ankle.

In the low lighting, the bright purple in Raziel's eye is as clear as day and makes Kyden's stomach lurch. With click, he's finally released but there's no feeling of relief when his captor is right there beside his bed with his captor has purple eyes. Kyden's doesn't even have a weapon. Kyden can't even use his blood. He thinks it must be because he lost his purity.

"Come with me," the professor says, "I'll show you where the bathroom is."

The temptation to make a break for it is ripe, but Kyden knows that it's not yet time. He doesn't have his opening and he needs to be careful against a demon that defies world logic, able to wield a myriad of abilities instead of just one. 

It's too dangerous to be rash. 

And so he holds his breath and slowly slips out of bed. His legs feel like jelly and his bladder is screeching in protest. Kyden slips and Raziel is quick to offer support, slipping an arm on his waist and lending his sturdy body. But Raziel's warmth only serves to make Kyden nauseous, like a reminder that everything in the world has turned on its head.

Still, he bites back his complaints and his fears and focuses on the sights that greet him as Raziel leads him down the hall to the bathroom.