5.24 TEMPESTUOUS LOVE: Can't be right

Wooden doors, monumental, parts. They creak loudly on old, rusted hinges. Splintered paint and crusted copper decorate the old door, robbing it of its magnificence, supplementing in its otherworldly appeal. The hall revealed is equally as stale, the air dusted, antique incense and haunting candlelight that fails to light the shadowed corners. 

A dark throne greets from the end of the hall. A figure sits there, his robes are red and eyes dark, without light. When he smiles, it bears no humor nor heart. "A-Yu, long time no see."

A woman stands by his side, middle-aged but still stands with elegant and regal posture. A white streak rests stark against the rest of her ink hair and her eyes are equally as hollow as the red-robed man whom she stands beside. 

Li Weizhen does not notice how his shifu flinches at the sight of her. He's too enthralled and captivated by his Yinan. Yinan who has shed all the warmth he once possessed and wears only madness and insanity.