6.03 FORLORN LOVE: Breaking

Gina gives him the cold shoulder.

"You know that we cannot afford days off, Yinan! We need to save money…"

Gina still has dreams of moving to a bigger colony, or a bigger planet, more opportunities, and maybe a kid. Mo Yinan has no patience for children but she should have known his lack of interest when she married him.

He strains a smile from his lying position on the couch. It's obviously fake. "It was a mistake, sweetheart. I'll make it right. And plus, the boss won't fire me, he doesn't have anyone else to rely on."

He also doesn't really know how to make it right. He's explained to Gina multiple times, his boss is an imbecile and bigoted racist. Nothing that Yinan does would be able to win him any favors. 

Still, he says pretty words to placate her.

Gina doesn't look so impressed, her jaw muscles are tight and brows furrowed. "You say that each time," she mentions pointedly.