6.12 FORLORN LOVE: Calmly

Mo Yinan sits there calmly.

He cannot help but think that all this is very absurd and a huge waste of his time.

The two Lenzarians stand before him, their tails swishing back and forth, their figures towering over his human form.

What is the point of this? Mo Yinan cannot fathom. Neither of them stands to gain anything from him. This is simply ridiculous. 

And with the table placed so close to the wall, Mo Yinan finds himself cornered. He cannot even make his escape. Ugh. How annoying.

With an expression full of apparent apathy, the little male-only rages further, his hair bushy and face red. "Silynna!" he snaps, "look at what this human has done! He's made a damned mess of my rations."