6.20 FORLORN LOVE: Violet Forest

The Violet Forest is a volatile place. But perhaps it does not seem so at first.

Root-like structures weave and wind over the dry, dusting ground, emitting a constant pulse of purple light; hence the name 'Violet Forest'. There are small, spider-like creatures that creep across these winding roots, roughly the size of one's palm. Instead of eight legs, they have ten, scuttling around the veins of that make up the Violet Forest. The little spider-like creatures pick at the vines, tiny claws pinching little bulbs of glowing bioluminescence. 

Sometimes the roots would tremble and shake, shifting just slightly to adjust and rid themselves of the parasites that live off of them. 

Paths within the Violet Forest are created using electric wires that etch out a suitable space for walking. The wires are placed about three feet off the ground. Sometimes, the glowing purple vines will slip beneath the wire or weave above it, making it difficult to travel nonetheless.