6.26 FORLORN LOVE: Peace Corps

The Ithical Complex is a marvel indeed. The halls are brightly lit, walls lined with a material that shimmers like polished gold, reflecting the image of all who walk within. 

It feels like ages before they actually reach the king's chamber, where a massive structure pulses atop the throne. It bears no face, no eyes to see, no mouth to speak.

This faceless creature resembles more a tree, with gangly roots that hang off the throne and stretches across the long hall. Mo Yinan has to be careful not to trample atop the Solothi king. When the thing speaks, it doesn't use the common tongue. Its elongated booms and harrowing shrieks aren't even interpretable by their translation implants that hold thousands upon thousands of languages in their databases.

Fargani is the one who stands as an interpreter, kneeling by the throne as it quakes, rumbles and booms.