A week had passed before they reached Gazpela. It took them longer than expected. Still, it was very easy locating Santos. He was loud enough to be heard and he was introducing himself and was showing off his jade-colored dagger tattoo to everyone instilling fear wherever he go. He just finished burning the fisherman's house and was cackling like an evil madman.

Jacob gave the Geles brothers a signal to position themselves. He's not familiar with Santos' strengths and weaknesses so he won't take a risk. The Geles brothers' safety was his priority more than winning. Their plan of attack was simple… Attack together but do it with an element of surprise. If it does not work, retreat and go back to Fildas empty-handed.

Santos felt someone behind him so he turned halfway. "I know someone's there. Show yourself before I find you myself. And I tell you, you will regret making me look for you," he said in a threatening voice.