"Now you know why Jacob reacted the way he did. He lost Yazmine and then, we lost Angelique. You see in a way, Prince Eric succeeded in taking everything King Stefan bestowed upon Jacob, even though Jacob was the one who decided to abandon his position in the navy."

I sighed, "I'm so sorry."

"You ARE his reason for living. Yes, he moved on from Yazmine a long time ago. But, he never opened his heart ever again. Not until he found you. I cannot imagine what he would do if he loses you," Paco told me.

I was about to respond but I heard Jacob's voice. "Up anchor! Gondro, attend to Thaddaeus' gunshot wound. Puma, lead the manning of the sails. Let's go, all hands on deck!"

I stood up and took a step towards the door but Paco stopped me. "Remember what he said. You cannot go out until we are sure that we are safe."