After the talks about our wedding, the conversation became serious once more. Prince Bernard was able to get information about what will happen to Beckforth.

"The House of Daragiel was stripped of the royal title. The monarchy's royal line was transferred to the House of Absalom, are you familiar with them?" the prince asked.

"The Absaloms are the original royal line of Beckforth. To my knowledge, King Stefan's great grandfather usurped the throne," King Peter informed. "One of the reasons why I was hesitant to form an alliance with them."

"The Kingdom is back to its rightful ruler then," I said. "Do you know them?" I turned to Jacob and asked him.

"I've met Lord Adrien and his family once. They're a very respectable family. They did not involve themselves in governing and politics when I was there. They also declined membership in the House of Lords," Jacob replied.