A Pervert, A Thief or A Psycho?

Eros didn't expect that after following Selene he would end up appearing in her bathroom. He suspected that Azrael had something to do with this.

Honestly, he was caught off guard the moment he saw something he was not supposed to see.

"Argh! I've seen her everything! What an unexpected encounter!" Eros mumbled in a low voice, covering his reddened face using both hands.

It's not that he had never seen a naked human before but this was very different. He saw her up-closed. He was mesmerized and enthralled by the scene he had just witnessed.

If Selene didn't throw the soap at him then probably he would still be rooted in his spot right now, just watching her with fascination in his eyes.

"Ah, Eros, What are you thinking? You are an angel. Behave yourself!" he hit his head to regain his wits.

Eros also made another mistake by showing his grown man form in front of Selene. Well, no one could blame him. He never imagined that he would encounter her as soon as he returned into the human world. Thanks to the interference of his pal, Azrael.

"Eh, what happened to Selene. She is so quiet in there. Did I give her quite a shock?" Eros pressed his ear at the closed door, hoping to hear something from the inside. He wondered what Selene was doing right now inside the bathroom.

Then another realization popped up in his mind. 'Urgh! She mistook me for a pervert!' he groaned inwardly.

'I have to change my form now and be a little angel in front of her.' Eros thought to himself.

In just a blink of an eye, the handsome silver-gray-haired man had transformed into an adorable winged child.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Selene was still trying to calm herself down. She was wondering how a stranger was able to enter her bathroom without being noticed by her.

'How did he break into my room?' She pondered to herself while rubbing her chest. Her heart was still pounding so fast because of the adrenaline rush.

She was scared to death. Someone just saw her naked body. She thought he would try to take advantage of her but fortunately, he dashed out of the bathroom when she started screaming for help.

"Wait, if he is not a pervert, then could it be… he is a thief? A robber?" Selene felt alarmed as she thought about the real motive and identity of the stranger who was in her bathroom moments ago.

Then her alter ego spoke to her and said, 'But you have to admit that he looks gorgeous… a very handsome and good-looking man.'

Selene smacked her cheeks using both hands and shook her head frantically, trying to push the thought at the back of her mind.

"Oh gosh! What am I thinking?! I am not supposed to admire that pervert! He almost gave me a heart attack. Him being handsome is not the point here… what the hell is he doing here in my own bathroom?!" Selene corrected her line of thoughts.

She just washed her face as quickly as possible to remove the shampoo and soap on her face before grabbing her towel, wrapping it on her slender body.

She didn't care if her body was still covered by bubbles and soap. She had no time to continue bathing right now. Her main concern was whether the stranger was still in her room or he already left. She hoped it was the latter.

She roamed her eyes around the bathroom, searching for a suitable weapon she could use to defend herself if ever the man was still in her room. But she was contemplating whether to go out and check or just stay inside.

She was afraid that the guy had brought a knife or a gun. What if he was not a pervert and a small-time robber? What if he was also a psychopath who would kill someone brutally as he wanted?

Selene cringed and shivered at that thought. Her imagination was running wild as of this moment. She didn't know what to do. Though she knew some moves and self-defense since she learned taekwondo before, she was still careful and cautious not to provoke a psycho.

Selene took a deep breath to calm her mind. She needed to gather her thoughts so that she could make a sound decision out of this situation.

After a few moments of clearing her mind, she realized something.

"Wait, why am I in this place right now? If I could remember well, this is my room in our dormitory during my college years. I already graduated five years ago. Why am I here?" Selene mumbled, feeling puzzled and confused.

"Aside from that, I already died. When I woke up I met an angel, a cupid in particular. I talked to him. He convinced me to go back and we made a contract. I followed the light so that I could return." Selene recalled everything that happened to her as she analyzed her current situation.

Then her eyes lit up as she remembered Eros. "Yes, that's right! My cute and adorable cupid, Eros! He's my only hope right now! I hope he can help me if ever I will be endangered in the hands of that strange man!"

"After signing the contract, it says that he will stick with me from now on. Maybe he is here." Selene mumbled with her hopeful eyes. She was silently praying that Eros followed her.

As if her prayer was answered quickly, she heard a familiar voice of a child from the other sides of the door.

"Selene, are you okay? Are you still there? What are you doing?"

All her fears and uncertainties a while ago suddenly disappeared upon hearing his voice.

"Eros is here! My cupid is here!"

Without further ado, she finally opened the door and Eros's winged child form greeted her sight. He was standing there with his concerned look in his eyes.

Her heart was finally at ease seeing that familiar face. She felt a sense of security in his presence.

She immediately pounced on him and clung to him tightly while saying, "Thank God you are here! There's a strange man here a while ago. I was scared to death thinking he was a pervert, a thief, and a psycho!"

Eros: "..."

'She thinks of me as... a pervert, a thief, and a psycho?'


Author: *Laughing*

[ Poor cupid! Selene mistook him for a pervert and a thief, and the worst of all… she also thought of him as a psychopath. LMAO ]