Have You Ever Fallen In Love?

Selene heeded his advice. Eros's words held so much meaning. She was amazed that a little cupid like him had these words of wisdom that could knock some sense into her head.

She just realized that her actions in the past could be one of the factors why Renz had never looked at her as a woman.

Selene's soft lips stretched into a smile but didn't quite reach her brown eyes. There was a gleam of sadness in those two beautiful orbs.

"Am I that really troublesome, childish, and too clingy before? I just didn't realize it because I was just thinking of getting closer to Renz." Selene expressed her feelings with Eros.

"The boys in my family left us sooner, my father… my grandfathers. I don't have any brother. I think… aside from being my fiancee, I just wanted to rely on Renz too much, searching for a father's love and brother's protection," Selene softly mumbled, reminiscing her past.

"I also conditioned my mind and myself that he would be my husband so I felt the need to be with him… to be by his sides always."

Selene flashed her faint smile. She just came to a realization now. "You are right. I shouldn't have done that."

Eros suddenly became quiet. He didn't mean to make her sad. He was just giving her an honest opinion and meaningful advice.

"Is Renz the only guy you have ever loved before? No one else?" Eros suddenly asked her out of the blue.

He was really curious to know this, not only as her cupid but because he just wanted to know.

He could feel that Selene's heart was sincere, unfortunately, Renz never took notice of her. Her genuine love had just been taken for granted.

Just thinking about that, Eros couldn't help but feel sorry for Selene.

"Have you never liked someone aside from Renz?" Eros repeated, just rephrasing his first question.

Selene didn't know why but after hearing that question, the boy in her dream suddenly popped up in her mind.

'Eh? Why am I thinking about that boy in my dream? It's just a dream. He is not real. I've never met him before. But I wonder who he is and why he appears in my dream.' Selene asked herself.

That was the first time Selene saw that handsome silver-gray-haired boy. So she wondered why she suddenly remembered him when Eros asked her that question.

However, for some unknown reason, Selene felt like her heart was missing something. She wanted to know who that boy was in her dream.

Just talking to him even in her dream gave her a light feeling.

Then Selene glanced at Eros who was still waiting for her response.

'Why do I feel like that boy and Eros have similarities?' She slightly frowned at her own thought.

Her eyes lit up as a bright smile appeared on her face. 'Yeah, they have one similarity… they are good with words. Haha. Full of wisdom.'

Eros rolled his eyes upon seeing Selene's expression. She hadn't given him an answer yet but here she was smiling like a fool in front of him.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Are you that crazy madly in love with Renz? Are you daydreaming now?" Eros couldn't help but mock her.

He was irritated knowing that Selene could still smile like that even though Renz had never reciprocated her love for him.

Eros just heaved a frustrated sigh. It did not take long when Selene's giggle bubbled up in her room.

She was laughing at Eros's reaction. Though he looked annoyed, she still found him very cute.

"What's funny?" Eros folded his little arms across his chest, pursing his small lips.

Selene reached out to pinch his cheeks and said, "I'm just so happy because I have my cute little angel with me."

Eros looked at her with disbelief, removing her hands off his cheeks.

'Argh. She pinched my cheeks again! Woman! I'm not a kid for you to do that to me!' Eros complained inwardly.

"Anyway, I'm not thinking or daydreaming about Renz moments ago. I just remembered a boy who has some similarities with you." Selene corrected his wrong assumption.

"And to answer your question… I think the answer is No. When I was young I found out about my engagement with Renz. Our parents and grandparents already betrothed us to be together."

"Because of that I never looked at another guy. I am loyal and faithful. Hahaha!" Selene proudly said to Eros which made him narrow his eyes at her. He couldn't believe this.

"Besides, no one caught my attention and interest before," Selene added.

'Except for that boy in your dream,' Her alter ego spoke up in her mind. Selene shook her head and pushed the thought at the back of her mind.

"Eh? Don't tell me you have a very high standard?!" Eros said exasperatedly.

Selene giggled once more. "Don't get me wrong. I told you. I'm loyal and faithful. Maybe that's one of the reasons I didn't pay attention to the other boys."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I pity you." Eros murmured, clicking his tongue.

"Now, it's my turn to ask! You look like a kid to me, but how come a cupid like you knows a lot about love? Have you ever fallen in love with someone?" Selene asked Eros expectantly. Her doe-like eyes were begging for an answer.

Eros was caught off guard by that question. In his immortal life being a cupid, no one had ever asked him this question.

'Have you ever fallen in love with someone?'

Not that he didn't know the answer to that question, it's just that he didn't expect that Selene would ever think that a cupid like him was allowed to fall in love with someone.

"Selene, a cupid helps people to find love. Though we know a lot of things about love or how to make someone fall for someone, it doesn't mean we experienced being in love with someone."

"We, cupids, are heavenly beings, Selene. We love all the creations of our Almighty. But we don't love a particular someone, unlike you humans."

"Then why are you an expert in giving love advice?" Selene probed.

"Hmm, we have eyes and ears, we can learn by observing the behavior of humans for so many years. We are trained to do this job." Eros started to elaborate and explain to Selene.

"We kept discovering more things as we mingled with humans. We can understand the feelings of our human contractee. We can learn from them as we help each other during our missions. That's how we get our experiences."

Selene nodded her head as she somehow understood Eros.

"So, to put it simply, you have never fallen in love! Not even a First Love!"

Eros nodded his head and answered "Yes…"

[ Author's response: "Yes… not YET!" ( Evil Smile ) ]