Grumpy Cupid

"Are you okay?" Renz asked her again since Selene didn't respond to his first question.

Selene could no longer hold it in so she pounced on Renz, hugging him tightly. Both Renz and Eros were surprised by her action.

Eros could only facepalm and shake his head in disappointment. 'Lady, can't you even do the thing called 'playing hard to get?' Why did you have to throw yourself at him as soon as he appeared in front of you?'

Eros had the urge to pull Selene away from Renz. 'And this guy, what is he doing here now? I thought he didn't want Selene to cling to him so much. He should have joined his friends instead of coming here.'

Eros was still annoyed whenever he would remember how Renz acted while his friend Arthur was mocking Selene. Though he warned his friend to stop talking, it was still a fact that he didn't even defend Selene. He just stayed quiet.

'Argh… Why do you have to fall in love with this guy? Can we just look for another love interest for you to be happy?' Eros lamented to himself while looking at Selene helplessly.

That was just wishful thinking of Eros because it was not allowed since it was written in the contract that the person who should fall in love with Selene was none other than Renz.

'Why is it I didn't think about that before offering and sealing the contract with her?' Eros slightly smacked his head at that thought.

Meanwhile, Selene finally broke the hug and talked to Renz. "I'm just fine. Why are you here?"

Renz raised the paper bag in his left hand, showing it to Selene. "I brought food for your dinner. Have you already eaten? I visited you to check how you are doing. I thought you were sick."

Selene met his eyes, giving him a questioning gaze. "Why did you think I was sick?"

Renz paused for a moment when he heard that. 'Because it is unusual for you not to drop by my office today.' he thought to himself but he just kept it in his mind. He would never say it out loud in front of Selene so he just gave her an alibi.

"Oh, it's nothing. I guess my hunch is wrong," Renz said, giving Selene a faint smile.

Selene's eyes sparkled with delight as she remembered Eros's words.

"Hmm, I think I know the reason. Did you miss me?" Selene shamelessly blurted out, teasing Renz with her playful smile.

Renz: "..."

He was caught off guard by Selene's bluntness. He didn't know what to say. He felt like he was put in a difficult situation.

How would he miss her if every day she was visiting him? So definitely the answer to that question was no. But If he would say no then he might offend or hurt her feelings.

How could he bear to do that especially after seeing her expression as she anticipated his response, looking at him like a child waiting patiently for her parents to buy her favorite toy?

However, he couldn't say yes as well since he couldn't lie to her. So in the end, Renz just looked away, changing the topic.

"Come, let's eat while the food is still warm!" Renz said, pulling Selene going to her table. She had a mini-kitchen inside her room. It was spacious compared to other ordinary rooms in that dormitory.

Since Selene came from an influential and wealthy family, she was one of the few students who were enjoying this privilege to have this kind of room in the dormitory.

Soon, the two of them started to eat dinner. While they were eating, Selene noticed that Eros had disappeared. He was just there moments ago before she opened the door but now, she could no longer see him even his shadow.

'I wonder where is my cute little angel now? I will just keep some food for him to eat later,' Selene thought to herself.

She wondered if Eros would also feel hungry like a human or had he ever tasted any food while he was living with his human contractee.

'Hehe, never mind. I'm just gonna make him eat this food later. I wanna see my baby cupid eating human food.' Selene smiled inwardly.

'Right, since he looks like a child maybe he wants to eat sweets such as ice cream and candies. I'm gonna buy something for him later.' Selene made a mental note. She was very enthusiastic just thinking about that.

Renz noticed her sudden change in mood. She was smiling for no reason. 'Is she that happy that I visited her tonight?'

Renz just shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

Meanwhile, on the football field of the De La Carmel University, a handsome silver-gray-haired man was lying on the ground while looking at the night sky.

Achoo! Achoo!

Eros suddenly sneezed. "Eh, why do I feel like someone is talking about me behind my back?"

Eros decided to leave Selene and Renz and gave them privacy. He also needed to gather himself and clear his mind.

He couldn't explain why he was feeling some kind of displeasure towards Renz. This was the first time he felt very annoyed and irritated towards someone.

He was not supposed to feel any emotions. Furthermore, he should not think about finding another love interest for Selene, instead, he should think of a way on how he would be able to help her get Renz's affection.

Eros just shook his head while slamming his eyes shut. He couldn't understand himself today.

"A penny for your thoughts, my friend?" A deep voice of a man was heard amidst the silence of the night.

Eros flung his eyes open and turned to his side only to see Azrael sitting beside him.

Eros narrowed his eyes at the newcomer who disrupted his lone time. "What are you doing here? A grim reaper has no business here so scram!"

Azrael just let out a soft chuckle. "Why are you so grumpy? Did anything happen to you?"

Eros sat up to face his grim reaper friend. "Yes! I remember. You did something to me! Why did you change the location of my portal?!! I ended up appearing in the bathroom while Selene was taking a shower!!! I wanna beat you for that!"

Azrael burst out laughing upon hearing his complaints.

"Oops! I know nothing about that." He feigned innocence, then he laughed again.

"Oh God, I didn't know that you are a pervert cupid, Eros!" Azrael said, teasing and provoking Eros further.

Eros's face suddenly became red from both embarrassment and irritation. Azrael just succeeded in annoying him.

"You Ugly Skeleton Grim Reaper! I will make sure you will suffer ten folds from what you have done to me, ruining my reputation in front of Selene!!!"