
Before she lost her mind because of some weird thoughts, Selene demanded Eros to release her once more.

"I said let me go or else, I'll scream for help. The Security Guards are roaming around the campus by this hour!" Selene tried to threaten Eros although she was not sure about the roving schedule of the security guards

Eros just smirked at her empty threat. He knew that Selene was bluffing. Besides, Eros could make himself invisible if ever the security guards would arrive in that area. Only Selene could see him with her naked eyes for the reason he didn't know yet.

Eros decided to tease Selene and threaten her instead.

"Hey, Lady, did you just call me Psycho and Pervert moments ago?" Eros asked her, there was a hint of warning in his voice.

Selene became more tensed when Eros talked to her with that kind of tone. 'Why do I sense that I am in deep trouble now?'

Selene bit her lower lip, trying her best not to say another word that might provoke this strange man.

With her survival instinct, she immediately shook her head frantically as a response. "No… I think I just mistook you for someone else. Ahem… can you let go of me now? Please?"

This time Selene changed her strategy. Even the way she spoke to him became more gentle compared to before. She was at the disadvantage right now since he caught her by surprise.

Now, she couldn't even move her arms. He completely locked and restrained her with his strong arms.

Eros just laughed dryly upon hearing her last remarks. He somehow knew what Selene was trying to do now: Feigning ignorance although she knew that Eros was the one she saw this morning so that she could escape from his grasps.

Eros won't let her get away from him that easily. He wanted to teach her some lessons. She hurt his ego when she called him a pervert and a psycho.

"Hmm, let me ask you a question, lady. What do you think a pervert or a psycho will do in a situation like this?" Eros whispered to her in a suave tone.

Selene's heart raced even faster when Eros said those words to her. But Selene felt really weird because, unlike their first encounter, she was not afraid of him now. Eros gave her a feeling of familiarity as if she had known him already.

For some unknown reason, she somehow believed that this stranger would never hurt her. Her way of thinking was very strange and she couldn't explain why. But part of her was still nervous.

"Uhmm, w-what are you going to do… to me?" she asked him anxiously instead of answering Eros's question.

"Hmm, Since you believe that I am either a pervert or a psycho, just answer my question, my dear… What do you think a pervert or a psycho will do in a situation like this?" Eros repeated the same question while grinning playfully. He enjoyed teasing her and making her nervous like this.

Selene chewed on her lower lip again, racking her brain hard. She had just realized that she offended this stranger just because she called him a pervert and a psycho.

"Please forgive me if I have offended you. You can't blame me. You look similar to the person who sneaked into my bathroom this morning. If you are not that person then please just let me go," Selene tried to negotiate.

"But if you are that person then you don't have the right to get mad at me since in the first place you are the one who trespassed my room. So I need an explanation."

Eros rolled his eyes skyward. He already told her a while ago that he would explain to her first but Selene didn't listen and just hit him randomly like he was her punching bag.

Now that she was cornered by him, Selene was telling him that she needed his explanation.

'Argh… do you think I will just give in to your demand because you ask me? No way!' Eros chose to be stubborn.

"Can you release me now?" Selene asked him again.

"No!" Eros said firmly. "Who knows you might attack me again once I release you? You punch really hard, do you know that?" Eros complained to her.

Selene just sighed inwardly. It looked like the stranger would never listen to her. She decided to change her approach again since talking to him peacefully didn't work.

'Don't blame me for this. I ask you nicely but you refuse to listen!' Selene thought to herself.

After a few seconds, Selene winced as if she was in pain.

"Aww, ouch! It hurts…" Selene pretended to be in pain.

Eros frowned when he heard her voice. His face suddenly covered by worry and concern for Selene.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you alright? Are you hurting somewhere?"

This time Eros lowered his guard against Selene because he was worried about her. He finally loosened his grips on her arms, completely releasing them from his grasps.

Because of that, Selene was able to take action. With her one hand, she grabbed Eros's index and middle finger while her other hand grabbed his ring finger.

The next thing she did was pulling them very hard in opposite directions causing Eros to groan in pain.

Selene took that opportunity to get away from Eros. Not yet satisfied, Selene raised her leg, kicking Eros at his most precious.

"Aaaaah!" Eros's painful cry echoed in the football area.



Eros collapsed on the ground in his kneeling position. His eyes gleamed with tears. He was in pain.

"Oops, sorry! I warned you but you didn't listen! Blame yourself for this." Selene mumbled before running away in a flash.

She ran and ran... as fast as she could, not looking back. She felt sorry for him but she was not at fault here. She just defended herself.

"Selene!!! What a cruel girl!!!" Eros screamed the moment Selene disappeared from his sight.


[ Eros glaring at Author: "CRUEL AUTHOR!!! What I have done to you to deserve this? *sobs* *sobs* ]

[ Author: "BALLSeye" I mean Bullseye! Hahaha Sorry, my dear Eros. You don't have to tease a girl like that. See what happened to you. Don't worry, this author will compensate you next time. ]

[ Eros: "Author, are you upset with me?" ]

[ Author flashing her evil smile: "Yes. I am!" ]