Will You Cry For Me?

Selene woke up early as she was excited to meet her grandma once again. She had mixed feelings today. She couldn't explain or describe her feelings.

Her grandmother passed away, since then she's been missing her for five years. Now she was both sad and happy that she would be able to meet her again in this lifetime.

Now, she had the chance to show her love for her grandma until her remaining days here on earth. She wouldn't waste her time, unlike what she did in her previous life.

She felt really grateful for this second chance that she would be able to bond and spend more time with her grandmother.

"Eros… my cute little angel," Selene called him out after she was done fixing herself.

Eros turned to her with a questioning gaze. "Yes, Selene?"

Selene smiled faintly at him before stretching out her arms widely in front of Eros. He just stared at her with confusion.

"What are you doing?" he asked her confusedly.

"Come, give me a hug! I badly need it today. I feel really emotional right now. I can't explain how I feel today. Please comfort me with your warm hug, my angel," Selen softly said with her pleading eyes.

Seeing her like that, Eros didn't have the heart to refuse her. Deep inside, he wanted to comfort her as well. So Eros moved closer to Selene, giving her the hug she was asking for. Selene's mood brightened up after that.

Soon, they heard a knock outside her door. Selene and Eros exchanged meaningful glances with one another. They already knew who could be that person outside. It was none other than Micaela.

"Now, go and greet your B-Friend!" Eros said to Selene.

B-Friend was his term for B*tch Friend, not Best Friend. Eros decided to call Micaela like that yesterday. Though he was an angel of love, Eros started to hate people who hurt and betrayed Selene. He couldn't help it.

Selene traced her steps towards the door to welcome Micaela. Upon opening the door, Micaela's cheerful and excited voice was heard right away.

"Good morning, Best! Are you ready? Shall we go now?"

"Good morning too, B-Best," Selene was now having difficulty calling her Best.

She felt a little bit reserved now. She couldn't act as if Micaela's betrayal didn't happen. It was really hard to treat Micaela just like how she used to before since she already knew what happened in the future.

Selene looked away and turned around immediately, afraid that Micaela would notice the changes in her expression. She grabbed her room key, cellphone, and backpack. They were now all set to leave and visit her beloved grandma Elysa.

Selene didn't inform her grandma that she was going home today. She wanted to surprise her. Aside from that, she avoided calling her over the phone. She preferred to talk to her face to face. She missed her so much!

The two ladies left the dorm while Eros was following them from behind. Only Selene could see Eros. Since Micaela was with them, Selene and Eros were not talking to each other.

When they reached the gate of the school, Micaela called for a taxi cab right away. It would just take twenty minutes before they could arrive at Selene's residence.

Both of them were sitting in the back passenger seats. Micaela started asking Selene about her grandmother; the things she likes and dislikes, her attitude towards Selene, whether she's strict or not.

Selene felt surreal recalling those memories of her together with her grandma. She answered every question of Micaela. Eros was just silently listening to them in the front passenger seat. Since no one is occupying the seat, Eros chose that spot.

By just listening to Selene's story, Eros could tell that Selene's grandma was a kind, sweet and loving person. It seemed that she pampered Selene's too much when she was young, until now.

Now he could understand why Grandma Elaisa's passing took a huge blow on Selene in her previous life. Though she lost her parents at her very young age, Grandma Elaisa filled the gap in Selene's heart, providing all the care and attention she needed with so much love and support.

The way Selene received that kind of love from her grandmother might be one of the reasons why Selene was loving others unconditionally, especially Renz. This was how her grandmother raised her to become a good person, very selfless and forgiving.

Eros was observing the two ladies in the front view mirror when Selene suddenly brought out a new topic.

"Micaela, we've been friends for three months now. Can I ask you something? Please give me an honest answer."

Micaela was puzzled by Selene's words but she still nodded her head, allowing Selene to ask her any question.

Selene looked straight into her eyes and asked, "Will you cry for me if ever I will die?"

Eros: "..."

Micaela: "..."

That question just came out of nowhere. Selene didn't know what gotten to her but she just felt the urge to ask Micaela this question.

To think about it, Selene saw Renz's reaction before she died. He was sad. He even cried for Selene. However, Selene didn't know Micaela's reaction at that moment.

Selene was asking herself… 'Did she cry for me too? Did she regret it or feel any guilt for what she had done? Did she become sad when I died?'

Selene didn't know the answer to that question since Micaela was not beside her during her last moment. Part of her was still hoping that Micaela cared for her genuinely. Selene felt like she could forgive her as long as Micaela regretted what she had done that day.

Selene was still waiting for Micaela's answer when she felt a hand smack her forehead.

"Girl, what are you thinking inside this little brain of yours? Why are you talking about dying here? Do you want me to kill you now?!" Micaela glared at Selene while scolding her.

But after a few seconds, Micaela still answered her. "You dummy girl! Of course, I will cry! You are my best friend after all!"

Selene's lips stretched into a smile but didn't quite reach her eyes. Her eyes were lit with sadness. She didn't know if Micaela's words were sincere or not.


[ Author: This is about Love, Betrayal, Second Chance, Friendship, and Family... Happy Reading my dears! Please continue to support. Write a comment, vote power stones, and review the book. Love lots ]