Phone Conversation

Eros used his advantage of being invisible to observe secretly, or in other words, to spy on Micaela who was now talking to someone over the phone.

Micaela: "Hello, Why did you suddenly call me?"

She sounded upset after receiving his call. Eros wondered who was the person from the other line. He could see that Micaela's mood changed and she looked unhappy.

In order to hear the person's voice, Eros moved closer to Micaela, leaning his ear near the phone. He heard a baritone voice of a man.

Mr. M: "Do I need a deeper reason to call you? Why are you flustered?"

Micaela just rolled her eyes. The two of them agreed not to communicate with each other if it's not important. They were very meticulous in terms of implementing their plan.

As much as possible, they would always try to be careful and cautious.

Micaela: "Spill it out now. I'm busy!"

Her impatience gained a husky laugh from Mr. M. He could imagine Micaela's glaring face right now.

Mr. M: "I miss you…"

Micaela was taken aback after hearing that. He was not the kind of guy who would say those words to someone. She was quiet for a few seconds, trying to figure out what Mr. M was thinking.

Micaela: "Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you? Is that you, Mr. M? Stop spouting nonsense."

Micaela raised her eyebrows, her tone had a tiny bit of sarcasm. She couldn't believe that the person she was talking to was Mr. M.

Mr. M just let out another chuckle.

Mr. M: "Oh, my Micaela, you are so fierce and harsh whenever you are talking back to me but when we are in bed, all you can do is moan my name and surrender to me. Do you want me to punish you sweetly again?"

Cough! Cough!

Eros choked on his saliva as he didn't expect to hear something like that.

'Dang, this man is so shameless!' Eros thought to himself as he continued listening to them.

Meanwhile, Micaela was rendered speechless. Her face suddenly became red from both embarrassment and irritation. She had the urge to punch the man.

But Mr. M just continued teasing her with his flirty words.

Mr. M: "I had a great night with you last time. Because of that, I decided to check on you. Hmm, believe me, or not, I am truly missing you… I miss… eating your sweet pie. You are so delicious, do you know that?"

"I wonder when I can have a taste of your sweet pie," he added, making Micaela's face reddened more.

Her grip on the phone tightened. She was very pissed by his teasing! Mr. M was becoming more playful. She hated it when he was acting like this.

Micaela: "Shut up! Or else I will hang up the phone."

She threatened him. She couldn't stand his playful self. On the other hand, Mr. M didn't like the way Micaela threatened him of ending the call.

Mr. M: "Don't you dare, Micaela. You know I hate people who are cutting me off when I love to talk. I assure you... you will regret it, Baby. I will not give you rest once I pin you down on my bed."

Micaela shivered at that thought. She knew that he was not joking. He was always serious the moment he would threaten someone.

She could only sigh helplessly. She didn't want to offend him so she just endured it and tried her best to be more patient with him.

Micaela: "Alright. Please stop playing around. Just tell me the reason why you called me?"

Mr. M was satisfied when Micaela changed her tone. He was glad that she knew how to deal with him. She would stop being stubborn just to pacify him.

Mr. M: "Nothing. As I said, I miss your pie! I know you also enjoy it as much as I do... when I'm eating you."

Mr. M was back to his teasing. "I just want to hear your voice. Can you moan for me now?"

Eros: "Pervert!"

Micaela: "Pervert!"

Both Micaela and Eros reacted the same way when they heard Mr. M's last remarks.

Mr. M burst out laughing as he could imagine Micaela's annoyed expression right now.

Mr. M: "Alright! I'll behave now. By the way, where are you?"

Micaela: "I'm at Selene's home."

Mr. M fell silent for a moment.

Eros wondered why Micaela's expression changed again at the mention of Selene's name, even the guy from the other line became quiet.

After a while, Mr. M spoke up again.

"Okay then. I will not disturb you further. Enjoy your stay there… with Selene," Mr. M said to Micaela meaningfully.

He hung up the phone after saying that. In the end, Eros didn't get a significant clue aside from the fact Micaela knew a man named Mr. M. He also assumed that they might be romantically involved with each other.

Eros was puzzled by their relationship. Micaela seemed like she hated the man but she was acting intimate with him. He wondered what role Mr. M would play in the future.

If Micaela was in a relationship with Mr. M, would it be possible that she also cheated on him because of Renz? Was she two-timing them?

This information brought more questions to Eros's mind. 'Argh! Never mind. I will just inform Selene about this. Maybe she knew about Mr. M. I will just ask her later.'

Micaela and Eros both went inside the house to join Selene and her grandmother. They saw them in the kitchen while happily conversing.

Selene would cook her grandmother's favorite food. They were now preparing the ingredients. Micaela came over to help them.

The three ladies enjoyed their cooking session while Eros was just silently observing them. Selene would glance in Eros's direction from time to time to check on him.

The two of them would meet each other's gazes. Selene would just smile at him while Eros would just acknowledge her by nodding his head.