Eros's Resolve Got Broken

Selene pouted her lips when Eros scolded her. It felt weird being lectured by a little child as if he was the one older than her. 

But Eros was an immortal and he was already existing even before Selene was born so typically, he was older than Selene.

However, in Selene's eyes, Eros was just a cute little charming child.

Eros looked angry right now so Selene tried to pacify him using her puppy-dog eyes.

"My dear angel, please don't get mad at me. I believe nothing bad will happen to me because you are beside me. Aside from being my cupid, I think you are also my guardian angel."

Eros remained silent. He folded his small hands across his chest. He was trying to show her that he was firm with his decision. He would not let Selene interfere again with someone else's fate.

He had two important reasons for that. First, he didn't want Selene to do dangerous things like saving a girl from a murderer's hand. She was just putting herself in danger.