Searching For Her

Renz asked around if they saw Selene. Samantha also joined him. Declan and Noel who felt guilty for what happened also moved to find Selene. Only Meghan and Arthur were left at their table.

What Meghan told Selene about the kiss was a lie. It was Arthur whom she kissed not Renz. She lied to Selene to make her jealous and create a scene inside. But to her disappointment, Selene just remained calm.

Who would have thought she would suddenly go missing? Now, her plan backfired on her. Renz was angry because of what she did.

Arthur approached Meghan and rubbed her back. "Don't worry. I will talk to Renz. Just told him that you forgot. You've mistaken me as Renz then I would admit to them that it was me whom you kissed not Renz."

Meghan just nodded at him, giving Arthur a grateful look.

"Thanks, Arthur. What should we do now? Should we join them?"