Renz's Confusion

Renz had to carry Selene from the rooftop going down to the hotel lobby since she fell asleep because of drunkenness while they were hugging a while ago. Eros was following them behind.

Renz just informed Arthur that he and Selene would go home already. He also thanked Samantha and his other friends for helping him out in searching Selene. 

Samantha felt relieved knowing that Renz finally found Selene. She met them in the lobby as she handed Selene's bag over to Renz. 

Selene was sound asleep during the entire trip going back home. Since Selene was drunk, Renz had decided to bring her in his Condo Unit rather than dropping her in the Anderson's Family Mansion.

Renz didn't want Grandma Elysa to worry about Selene. It was also very late and past bedtime already. Selene's grandma might be sleeping by now.