Private Nurse

After the interrupted kiss between Renz and her, Selene became very silent during the entire journey back home. She just pretended to be asleep to avoid the awkwardness between them.

'I couldn't understand. Why do guys love doing that? Gabriel also did something like that inside my car, getting closer to my personal space and surprising me with his action.' Selene lamented to her mind.

'Just now, Renz did the same thing, trying to kiss me. Argh! But I ruined it and broke the magical moment? I wonder when Renz will grab the chance to kiss me again? Don't tell me he will just reserve it during our wedding next month?'

Selene looked like she was sleeping but in fact, her mind was busy thinking so many things right now.

'I wanna smack my forehead! This was the first time Renz started to act intimately towards me… I should have acted appropriately. But I couldn't tell him to continue. Huhuhu. He might think I am an easy girl and a pushover.'