I Got You

Samantha often heard compliments from other men but she didn't know why Mr. M could easily make her blush with his simple word of compliment.

Was it because she could feel that Mr. M was the kind of guy who seldom gave compliments and praises to women?

Samantha was still in a trance when Mr. M held her hand, pulling her toward the soft couch.

"Here, take a break first and have some snacks," Mr. M said, putting the paper bag that contained snacks on the mini glass table.

Samantha just watched him silently while he was preparing the food. It was her favorite Blueberry cake! She was also surprised that he brought red wine.

Soon, the two of them began eating together. Samantha's assistant and bodyguard entered her office. However, upon seeing Mr. M and Samantha together while happily conversing, her assistant and bodyguard left quietly.