Let's Go Out Officially **

Samantha just got a mind-blowing orgasm today. She couldn't believe that she allowed this to happen in her office. She felt embarrassed after realizing what she had done.

Her cheeks were so red. She couldn't look straight into Mr. M's eyes. Samantha sat up and fixed herself. Mr. M just watched her with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Samantha… Babe, you are so cruel, do you know that?" Mr. M suddenly blurted out, watching Samantha buttoning her blouse.

She glanced at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"After using me, you are just tossing me away just like this," Mr. M mumbled, putting on a pitiful face.

Samantha looked at him, puzzled. The frown on her forehead deepened and she asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this." Mr. M pointed his index finger on his pants. 

Samantha's eyes widened as she saw his bulge. Now, she understood what he meant. He just gave her orgasm but Mr. M hadn't found his release yet.