Checking In At the Hotel

Five days had passed and today was the day Samantha was killed in Selene's previous life. By tomorrow would be the time when her dead body was found in the Orion Empire Hotel.

Eros and Selene visited her shop today to check on Samantha. Last few days, Samantha informed Selene that she would be out-of-town because of some fashion event that she would be attending. She didn't hear anything about her after that.

Eros was accompanying Selene in his human form as Gabriel. Upon entering the shop, Samantha's assistant welcomed them.

"Are you here to see your wedding dress? Lady boss already finished it even before she attended the fashion week." Samantha's assistant informed Selene.

Selene shook her head, smiling faintly at her. "We came here to see Samantha. Is she around?"

"Oh, Lady Boss is still in the City Baye. She didn't tell me if she will be coming back today."