A Friend's Betrayal**

Micaela moved a step back after seeing the demonic smile of Mr. M. Indeed, he was complimenting her for a job well done but his expression didn't look happy at all.

She already knew the reason. He was definitely jealous! Micaela knew how possessive this guy could be.

"Yes, I just did what you told me to do," Micaela said, emphasizing her words to remind him that this was his idea.

She turned around and started washing her hands on the sink.

Mr. M's eyebrows twitched upon hearing that.

"I did. But I didn't expect that you would put so much effort and perform your best. Why do I feel like you really enjoy serving him?"

Mr. M moved closer at her. His eyes were still dark from lust and jealousy.

Micaela just rolled her eyes skyward. "I always put my hundred percent performance in every mission and task."

"Really?" Mr. M arched his eyebrow.

In one big stride, he closed their gaps. He was now at her back.
