The Dark Soul Reappears

Meghan was still waiting for Eros and Azrael to kiss each other in front of her. That's the only way she would believe that the two handsome men were in a relationship.

Azrael was now glaring at her. 'I have the urge to use my grim reaper's scythe against this woman's neck!'

"Come on, Gabriel. I'm waiting. Don't be shy," Meghan said, urging them. There was a playful smile on her face.

Eros clenched his fists. This woman was really testing his patience. But for the sake of Selene, he would do anything.

Eros turned to Azrael. Azrael met his gaze, giving him a warning as if saying 'Don't come closer to me or else, you will be dead!'

Eros just looked at Azrael intently, ignoring his warning glare. Azrael had a bad feeling about this. He moved back, maintaining a distance from him. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I think both of you are lying. You are just pretending," Meghan said, clicking her tongue.