History Repeating Itself

Two Days Before Renz's and Selene's wedding…

Selene and Grandma Elysa visited the Chou Family together with Eros. They had a family gathering as they prepared for the upcoming wedding ceremony.

Renz's parents, Maynard and Jasmine, were very accommodating. The Chou and Anderson Families already looked like they were just one family.

Maynard and Jasmine were very supportive of their relationship. They were so glad that the two families would unite further through marriage.

It seemed that Renz and Selene were not against the marriage although it was just arranged by the elders from the beginning.

They wondered if the two already developed feelings towards each other. They hoped that the love that they had was not just a love for a sibling or a friend, but more as romantic love between a man and a woman.