A Cute Little Boy

Azrael and Eros were still talking on the balcony when Azrael asked Eros to roam around the vicinity of the Anderson Family Mansion.

He was hoping that they could see the dark soul lurking around in the area. Eros and Azrael transformed into their human forms in order to deceive the dark soul.

If the dark soul sensed the grim reaper's aura, it would flee right away. Eros and Azrael walked around the mansion.

When they reached the mansion's entrance gate, they heard a crying sound of a child. 

They looked around only to see a child sitting on the ground while leaning his back on the steel gate. He was hugging his knees while crying.

Eros and Azrael exchanged meaningful glances with one another. 

It was already 10:00 pm so they wondered what the kid was doing outside the gate. He should be at home by this hour together with his family.