A Grandfather's Warning

~ At Mr. M's Residence ~

Mr. M was at home when he received an important visitor. He didn't expect that his grandfather would come unannounced.

"Grandpa, why didn't you call me? I should have prepared something for you."

Mr. M looked different when he was talking to his grandfather. He was polite and respectful, very far from his natural cold demeanor.

"It's alright. I'm not going to stay here long," His grandpa nonchalantly said before sitting on the sofa.

Just like Mr. M, his grandfather looked powerful and intimidating. He seldom smiles. He was stricter than Mr. M himself. He was a disciplinarian.

Mr. M's grandfather was a mysterious man. He was running their company and organization in the shadows. He was not appearing in different social gatherings. He would just send his representative on his behalf.