Not Allowed To Fall

In the past five days, Renz had been occupied as well. He was taking care of Micaela in the hospital since she had no guardians.

He stopped Selene from visiting every day because he knew that she was also busy with the company's project she was handling.

He didn't want to hassle her since, in the first place, it was his fault that Micaela got shot. He wanted to take responsibility for that.

The investigation was still ongoing and they didn't have a lead yet. No particular suspect in mind who might have the motive to hurt him.

His business competitors were also clean, nothing suspicious on their sides. Renz didn't receive any death threats after that incident as if it didn't exist.

He got to know more about Micaela. Just like what she wanted, her relationship with Renz had improved a lot.

She behaved well. She didn't make a move on him, making Renz believe that she already let go of him and accepted the fact Renz was for Selene.