To See You!

Selene had gone to Samantha's shop to discuss their collaboration project. Azrael insisted on coming with her. He needed to watch and protect Selene while Eros was not around.

Aside from that, part of him wanted to see Samantha. It's been a while since the last time he saw her. He found it strange but he was comfortable in her presence.

Since Azrael came with Selene, the little boy Sach was left in the house together with Aunt Ling. She was his babysitter today.

Upon reaching Samantha's shop, they were greeted and welcomed right away by her staff. They guided them to her office.

Samantha had just finished adding ornaments on her new designs when Selene and Azrael entered.

Her face brightened up when she saw Azrael with Selene.

"Oh, Azie! You are also here!" Samantha's excited voice echoed in her office.

Azrael fought the urge to smile but failed. He waved his hand awkwardly, greeting Samantha.