Dark Soul's Real Identity

The dark soul didn't expect that he would get caught just like that. It seemed that he fell into the trap.

"Who are you?" The dark soul asked the man who spoke up from behind.

"You don't need to know. Now, I shall bring you back to the Netherworld for interrogation!"

"No!!! I can't leave just yet! There's something I need to do!" The dark soul tried to struggle but couldn't escape.

"Don't force yourself. You will just get tired. You need your energy to answer all my questions. And don't worry about Selene. She will join you in the Netherworld soon. The two of you will reunite!"

The dark soul was dumbfounded after hearing that.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean Selene and I will reunite? Will she die again?" The dark soul couldn't believe it. He felt like all his effort would go in vain if Selene would die again.