Comforting A Friend

Eros and Azrael were like children fighting and wrestling each other in the living room. It had been so long since the last time they did this.

When they were done, both men lay on the couch leisurely while panting. Then they started chuckling, laughing at their own silliness.

"So, what are you going to do now? Give up and forget your feelings for my Mother Angel Sienna?" Eros glanced at Azrael, looking so curious.

Azrael just smiled bitterly. He had known that it would be impossible for Sienna to take notice of a mere grim reaper like him. He was thinking that if not for the deal with Eros in Selene's case, Sienna would never know Azrael's existence.

Eros sat up straight, patting Azrael's shoulder. "Don't give up yet. Just tell her so that you will not regret doing nothing. Confess your feelings for her. After that, just accept whatever reply you will get from her."