Take Responsibility

After getting so emotional, Samantha guided Selene back to her ward. She fell asleep after crying non-stop. Samantha was also surprised when she mentioned that she was pregnant.

Samantha felt sorry for her. But on a positive note, Selene found another reason to live– her unborn child. Eros disappeared but he left her something precious.

Samantha couldn't stop herself from thinking about Dylan (Mr. M). It would be nice if she got pregnant as well. She was broken after losing him. Now, she didn't know how she would be able to move on.

'He loves me for real… and he protected me…' Samantha shed another tear just thinking about Dylan. She hadn't seen him yet. She heard that his grandfather committed suicide. She wondered who would process Dylan's burial and take his body from the morgue.

When Selene finally drifted off to sleep, Samantha decided to see Mr. M's body. They said his body was still in the morgue in this hospital.